Parishes remain open for private prayer

Press releases

Fr Michael Carrie

Fr Michael Carrie, parish priest at St Patrick’s and St Mary’s, Forebank, in Dundee says:

“Following the decision by the Scottish Bishops’ to suspend the public celebration of Mass during the continuing health crisis, I want to reassure you that I will do everything possible to sustain the faith life of our parish communities throughout this time. I urge you to take care of yourselves and to stay safe, following the advice issued by the Health authorities. Please note the following points which now apply in our parishes”

“Following the 7.30am Mass on 19th March, the Feast Day of St Joseph, there will be no public celebration of Mass until further notice. However, Holy Mass will be celebrated in private each day at 9am and you are invited to unite in spiritual communion with the parish community and the Universal Church each day.”

“While there will be no public celebration of Mass, St Patrick’s Church will be OPEN for private prayer with the Blessed Sacrament exposed each day from 11am to 12noon and St Mary’s from 6pm to 7pm from Friday 20th March. Any changes to this schedule due to funerals will be posted online and on the church doors.”

“When visiting the churches please enter from the side doors (for St. Mary’s on Powrie Place and for St Patrick’s from the car park off Arthurstone Terrace), you should ensure that you sit at a distance from others and take other sensible reactions to protect against infection.”

“We respectfully remind our elderly parishioners, and those with underlying health conditions as described by the Government, to adhere to the Government guidelines on leaving your home.”

“The Parish Hall is now closed and all activities are suspended.”

“Further announcements throughout this time will be made via the parish website and newly created parish Facebook page.”

“I am certain that, if we remain united in prayer, our Lord will protect and sustain us. May Our Lady, Health of the Sick, pray for us.”

God bless
Fr Michael