Dundee’s Canon Kevin Golden writes, “At this time of year, I would usually be reconvening the Journey of Faith talks and the evening sessions, held over the past few years on Wednesdays at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre at Lawside and bringing together people from across various parishes, as well as general enquirers, and those hoping to join the Church the following Easter. Prior to these sessions being held at Lawside, they took place in various parish halls and presbyteries and I trace my own involvement in them back to the dining room in the Church House at St Ninian’s, Dundee, in the very early 1990s!”
Canon Kevin, the Administrator at Dundee’s St Andrew’s Cathedral, with responsibilities too for Our Lady of Good Counsel, Broughty Ferry and St Thomas’ Church, Arbroath, told Dunkeld News – “composing a programme of sessions for each year has not been without its challenges. I have always been aware that some people return to the sessions year on year, so while the subjects covered and the structure remains similar, nevertheless a freshness of approach is always called for – as we seek to share the faith, delve into the scriptures, reflect on church teaching and explore the liturgy.”
“This year of course things are rather different: it will be quite some time I guess, before we are able to gather together again freely in such a forum, moving around to share with each other and discuss in smaller groups etc.”
Indeed, the Canon’s popular series of talks seemed destined to fall victim to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Knowing my limits,” Canon Kevin told his parishioners in their weekly newsletter, “I wouldn’t podcast or livestream these sessions (leaving that to others far more competent); and for me at least, really central to the programme/process is the act of ‘being present’ and sharing the experience while being physically together.”
However, such was the outcry, Canon Kevin decided that, in these very different times, different measures were required. The first of four short talks goes online today, in time for the great Feast of Christ the King.
We will carry the series here, on the diocesan website, and it will be available on the cathedral’s own Facebook page.
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