Fr Johney Rapael appointed to St Ninian’s, Dundee

Parish News

St Ninian’s, Dundee welcomed Fr Johney Raphael is to become the new Parish Priest – jointly with his existing parish at the neighbouring St Clement’s, Dundee

He describes himself as a veritable ‘spring chicken’ compared to many priests in our diocese these days, having been ordained on 13th June, 1996.

Fr Raphael was born in Kerala, India, the fifth of nine children in the family. His mother Mariyam and father Raphael are now sadly both deceased, but he has two brothers and six sisters living in India and among the six sisters two are nuns.

In 1984 he entered the religious life as a member of the Congregation of St Therese of Child Jesus, in Kerala.

After several years working in North India mission he came to Dundee by invitation of Bishop Stephen on 1st December 2015 to serve as priest in this Diocese and took up his appointment in St Clement’s parish in December 2015. He will continue to serve Saint Clement’s as Parish Priest in addition to his duties in St Ninian’s.

Fr Raphael will reside at St Ninian’s.