Parish News

Cathy Reid, long standing parishioner and very active member of the church and community at St Columba’s, Birnam celebrated her 80th birthday on Thursday 30th May. Mass at St Columba’s Birnam was offered on Saturday 1st June by Canon Andrew Clark who was standing in for Fr Emamuel who was on retreat.

Members of Association Jeanne Jugan Renew Their Promises

Parish News

Each year on or around 1st May the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker, members of the Association Jeanne Jugan come together with the Little Sisters of the Poor to make their annual promise. When the Little Sisters were at Wellburn the Associates would make their promise in the presence of the Sisters and Residents, however since their departure this …

Annual Lourdes Mass in Lochee

Lourdes, Parish News

The Diocesan celebration to mark “World Day of Prayer for the Sick” took place on the evening of Monday 11th February, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, in St Mary’s Lochee, Dundee. The celebrants were Mgr Aldo Angelosanto, Fr Jim Walls (parish priest of St Mary’s Lochee) and Fr Dijo Thomas CST (parish priest of St Fergus’, Forfar).

SCIAF talk about Gender Violence

Mission work, Parish News, SCIAF

Michael Hamilton (right), SCIAF’s Community Engagement Officer, spoke about Gender Violence in Rwanada in a talk launching this year’s Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund’s Wee Box appeal at St Joseph’s Church, Dundee. Photo courtesy of Eddie Mahoney

St Bride’s Monifieth marks 40th anniversary

Parish News

Mgr Aldo Angelosanto and parishioners at St Bride’s. Monifieth, were joined by Diocesan Administrator Canon Kevin Golden, Bishop Emeritus Stephen Robson and Fr Jim Walls as the marked the 40th anniversary of the opening of their church, by Bishop Vincent Logan on 1st February 1984. The present building was not the first Catholic Church to be opened in the Angus …

Silver ECO award for St Ninian’s, Dundee

Parish News

A Dundee parish is the first in the city to be recognised for its efforts to protect the environment. St Ninian’s Roman Catholic Church in Menzieshill has won a coveted Silver Award from Eco Congregation Scotland, a Christian environmental charity which addresses issues around climate change. Among changes parishioners have made to limit their carbon footprint is to install a …

Confirmation Day in Monifieth

Parish News, Press releases

Bishop Emeritus Stephen Robson and Mgr Aldo Angelosanto with the young people who received the Sacrament of Confirmation at Mass in St Bride’s, Monifieth, together with their sponsors, on Sunday 18th June, 2023. Photo courtesy of Eddie Mahoney