Dunkeld mourns the death of Mgr Charles Hendry

Andrew Mitchell Parish News, Press release

On Thursday 30th April 2020, Bishop Stephen announced the death of Mgr Charles Hendry, parish priest of St Mary Magdalene’s, Perth.

“It is with great sadness, but also with great gratitude for the priestly life filled with service to his people and to the Diocese, that I announce the death of Mgr Charles Hendry. Mgr Hendry died this afternoon at 3.45pm in Perth Royal Infirmary.  Deacon Charles and his brother Tom were with him when he died and were grateful for the care and love shown by the hospital staff during the time of his hospitalisation.”

“There are no plans yet for his funeral, which will be difficult to organise during the present restrictions, but I will let you know of the arrangements as soon as they are made.”

“Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mgr Hendry, for all his friends in the priesthood and for the many contacts Mgr. Charlie had beyond diocese.”  

“In July, Mgr Hendry would have celebrated the 65thAnniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood and, please God, it could be on that occasion we are able to gather together to offer a Solemn Requiem Mass for the repose of his soul.”

“Please pray for Mgr Hendry’s family, especially for his remaining brother, Tom, and for his nephews and nieces, including Deacon Charles Hendry. 

At St John the Baptist’s, Perth, Canon Mulholland added a personal tribute to his fellow priest:

“It is with a heavy heart that I share with you the sad news of the death of Monsignor Charles Hendry. Many words will be used in the coming days to describe his ministry amongst you. The memories we treasure, of a parish priest and pastor and teacher, of a friend and colleague and mentor, will form I am sure, a tribute to someone who gave so much to so many.”

“Everything Monsignor did as a priest – every Holy Mass celebrated, every sermon preached, every baby baptised, every couple married, every sick person anointed, every lonely person visited, every child affirmed and taught, every parishioner supported and upheld, every hospital ward attended, every deathbed sat beside, every soul commended to God, every mourning family comforted – every one of these things is nothing other than the love of God lived out in our world and in our lives, lived out in the ministry of the church which is the body of Christ, and through the Sacred order of the priesthood to which Monsignor Hendry was called sixty-five years ago.”

“As we celebrate God’s love in the life of our departed brother, we are marking the end of a life. But we are also celebrating the end of a life, not end in the sense of termination, but end in the sense of purpose or goal. Monsignor’s life was directed by, and directed towards, the love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Easter faith which he proclaimed sustains and assures us that if there is an end of things, it is only the end, the goal, of the love which will not be contained and bursts the realms of emptiness and death.”

“I commend his grieving family and his sweet soul to your prayers.”