In February of this year, I visited Ethiopia with SCIAF. I found a country that, in addition to suffering from two years of brutal conflict, is now experiencing its worst drought in recent history. Rivers are dry, crops have failed and their animals are dead.
It was clear that families have nowhere left to turn. They’ve lost everything.
Communities are entirely dependent on food and water aid, or they have nothing. If charities like SCIAF don’t come in to help, there will be no water.
There is no back up plan. They will die.
The people of Ethiopia desperately need our help, right now. Please give what you can.
One person that SCIAF works with, Ayoyo, farmed for food and ran a small business.
However, because of the drought, this is now impossible. Everything around her has died.

With her livelihood destroyed, Ayoyo is only able to support her family through vital emergency relief.
We are all sisters and brothers – we are all family. As you would not let your brother or sister starve, neither should we ignore the desperate needs of our family around the world.
By reaching out in loving kindness, you can save lives. When you donate to SCIAF you are not simply giving to charity but partnering with fellow human beings across the world.
Please act now and give what you can. Please be the hope they need.
Yours in Christ,

Bishop Brian McGee,
Bishop President of SCIAF
Bishop of Argyll & the Isles