Military Matters at St Mary’s Lochee


In aid of parish restoration funds, a talk will take place at 7pm on Friday 7th February 2025 in St Mary’s Church Hall, Gray’s Lane, Lochee. The speakers are Alex Garty MVO and Pipe Major Derek Potter RVM – both Dundee born and bred with Lochee connections and after leaving Dundee, both had very interesting careers, ending with their personal service …

New Dawn Day


New Dawn in Scotland invites everyone to St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Dundee, on Saturday 11th February.  The day will start at 10 am with Holy Mass, celebrated by Bishop Robson, followed by praise and worship, inspiring talks, testimonies, workshops, reconciliation and an evening healing service, led by 2 or more priests.  New Dawn is a worldwide organisation of laity …

An Invitation to The Letter


The Letter, released in October 2022, is a powerful, thought-provoking documentary, exploring more about the principles of ‘Laudato Si’, the second encyclical of Pope Francis. Laudato Si has the subtitle “on care for our common home”. In it, the pope critiques consumerism and irresponsible development, laments environmental degradation and global warming, and calls all people of the world to take …

Advent 2022

Advent 2022


Treasuring the Questions: Weekly Reflections Online During Advent, we remember a time of strange arrivals, quiet miracles, God coming to earth as an infant, and a lot of other things we don’t really understand. This series is about journeying faithfully when we have more questions than answers, valuing the moments of light, learning to trust through the days of darkness. …

Advent Day – open to all


Join us for a gentle introduction to the new Liturgical year with the Gospel of Luke and an opportunity to hear the vision of our beloved Holy Father Pope Francis for our Church at this time. It will take place at the new Pastoral Centre, the hall of St Mary’s, Forebank, Church, Forebank Road, on Saturday 4 December at 10am. You are …

Arbroath – Rosary on the Coast

Events, Parish News

Joining in a nationwide #RosaryontheCoast, parishioners in Dunkeld’s coastal parishes gathered in the church garden at St Thomas’s, Arbroath, at the Shrine of Mary, Star of the Sea, with Bishop Stephen Robson to recite the Five Glorious Mysteries for Peace around the World, for Respect for Life and Faith. Parish priest, Fr Michael Carrie welcomed parishioners not only from the …

Liturgical Music Conference at Stirling


The Scottish National Liturgy Commission, president: The Right Reverend Hugh Gilbert, Bishop of Aberdeen, are hosting a Conference and Workshop on Liturgical Music, led by Benjamin Saunders, Director of Music of the Diocese of Leeds at St Margaret of Scotland Church, Drip Road, Stirling, FK9 4UA, on Saturday, 11th November, 2017, from 2-6pm. Programme: 2pm – 3pm: Presentation on liturgical …

Mary’s Meals Ceilidh

Events, Fundraising

A Ceilidh and Cabaret Evening in aid of Mary’s Meals has been organised for Friday, 26th May 2017 from 7pm until 11pm in East Chamber, Panmure Street, Dundee. Tickets are priced £12 each or £100 for a table of 10. To book tickets, please contact Helen Wylie 01382 669598 or Please come along and enjoy a great evening for …

Competition – win free place at National Conference on Non-Violence


Are you aged between 18-25 years old and interested in nonviolence? If so, Justice and Peace Scotland are providing a funded place at the Scottish Nonviolence Conference – ‘Reclaiming Gospel Nonviolence’. The conference will take place at St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull, Perth from 14-16th July 2017. For more information on the conference and details of how to enter our competition. …